Thank you for contemplating or having chosen the IUT of Saint Nazaire, part of the Nantes Université, as your study destination.

We are happy to  welcome international foreign students and will do our best to make your stay with us as comfortable and fulfilling as possible.

Please come join us and....

Become part of a community of more than 1500 students, 135 teachers and researchers from 4 laboratories.

Study at a Bachelor levels within the fields of technical sciences, technology, logistics, transports and business techniques (see below).

Discover a professional and industry- oriented, skills-based teaching environment, where you will :

  • Work in small groups and easily get to know your classmates and teachers.
  • Get hands-on experience and work on scientific and practical team projects.
  • Collaborate with the professional world through practical courses and internships.
  • Have the opportunity to study or do your internship abroad.Be offered tutoring and support classes in French.
  • Enjoy a quiet and friendly campus-life environment just a couple of kilometers from the beach.

Student accommodation  is available on campus and the city centre is close, easily and quickly reached with public transport.

Nantes and Paris are respectively 40 minutes and 3 hours away by train.

Practice  cultural activities and dozens of sports within the IUT, especially on Thursday afternoons when there are no classes.

Our Bachelors / three-year University Technological Degrees (BUT*) :

     BUT Chemical Engineering - Process Engineering (GCGP : Génie Chimique - Génie des Procédés)

     BUT Civil Engineering  Sustainable Construction (GCCD : Génie Civil Construction Durable)

     BUT Industrial Engineering and Maintenance       (GIM : Génie Industriel et Maintenance)

     BUT Logistics and Transport Management          (GLT : Gestion Logistique et Transport)

     BUT Physical Measurements                               (MP : Mesures Physiques)

     BUT Business and Marketing Techniques          (TC : Techniques de Commercialisation)

(all our courses are in FRENCH except for some English-taught Physical Measurements classes)

*BUT: Bachelor Universitaire Technologique

Our Licences Professionelles ( a 3rd year added to a former cursus)

Civil Engineering - Sustainable Construction (GCCD Génie Civil Construction Durable) :

Mention Métiers du BTP : Bâtiment et Construction

Mention Métiers du BTP : Travaux Publics

Business and Marketing Techniques (TC : Techniques de Commercialisation) :

Mention Nautisme et Métiers de la Plaisance

Mention Technico-Commercial

Physical Measurements/instrumentation (MP : Mesures Physiques) :

Mention Métiers de l'Instrumentation, de la Mesure et du Contrôle Qualité

Mention Métiers de l'Industrie : Industrie Navale et Maritime

Mention Métiers de l'Industrie : Industrie Aéronautique

Industrial Engineering and Maintenance (GIM : Génie Industriel et Maintenance) :

Mention Maintenance et Technologie : Organisation de la Maintenance

Logistics and Transport Management (GLT : Gestion Logistique et Transport) :

Mention Gestion des Achats et des Approvisionnements

Mention Logistique et transports internationaux

Chemical and Process Engineering (GCGP : Génie Chimique Génie des procédés) :

Mention Conception et Contrôle des Procédés

(all our courses are in FRENCH)

Application: To apply, exchange and independent students will have to go through the Nantes Université website :

(Please keep in mind that our courses take place at the Saint-Nazaire Campus)

Your contact persons at the IUT:

Head of International Relations:                                       Administrative Coordinator:
Ethel JOUANNET                                                                     Christelle LEBLANC
Telephone: +33 2 40 17 86 45                                              +33 2 40 17 86 19
Mail :                   
Mis à jour le 05 May 2022.